
What Our Guests Say

Here is a collection of some of our guest's testimonies, in written and on video. 

Have a look and get inspired by their experiences with Fernweh Fair Travel.


This is a wonderful initiative. Poonam has been moved to help communities, children and women by her programs in schools, villages, handicrafts and ecology. You will be surprised and pleased to see real heart in action.

By staying at the beautiful Peaches and Pears Homestay you can live an authentic life with wonderful family members and see the programs close at hand. An opportunity not to be missed.

- Peter K. - Australia

Uplifting communities and helping in rural and sustainable tourism is the core aim of Fernweh Fair Travel. Over the course of our program, we visited remote village schools and a handicraft village. Poonam's team comprises of locals and thats where Fernweh Fair Travel is doing a great job : By empowering communities itself.

This is the way forward for Garhwal and also for everyone to see how tourism can benefit from the grassroots level if done the right way

- Shubham M. - India

Leider ist meine Zeit in den Himalayas zu Ende. Ich fühle mich jetzt schon unendlich leer! Dieses Land, besonders seine Berge und die Menschen die dort leben, haben mir so viel gegeben. Ich habe mich frei und lebendig gefühlt. Ich furfte erleben was pures Glück und Zufriedenheit bedeutet.

Die Familie von Poonam Rawat-Hahne hat mich so herzlich bei sich aufgenommen, dass ich mich jederzeit wohl gefühlt habe auch wenn ich die Sprache nicht verstehe.

Vielen Dank Poonam Rawat-Hahne für die vielen wunderbaren Erfahrungen die ich durch dich machen konnte. Du bist ein besonderer Mensch mit einem riesigen Herz! Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Reise mit dir in den Himalaya!

- Kirstin K. - Germany

We had a great journey and could participate in the traditional Indian life and the magnificant landscape north of India. While living with the local families Fernweh Travel introduced us in their daily life one would never see during a "normal" traveller visiting India.

This gave us a great understanding of their overwhelming hospitality and their way of living. We were even invited for a local wedding and participated in a local festival.
I would always take another chance to do such a trip.

- Jens H. - Germany

Es war einer meiner schönsten Urlaube.
Ich würde jederzeit wieder mit nach Indien kommen, danke für die schöne Zeit!

- Johanna J. - Germany

Great local experience! Poonam is very active helping local kids at school, underpriviliged women, the untouchable cast and the environment with the Green Task force. So many great initiatives and a great cultural learning experience!

- Daniel J. - Canada

Ich bin so unglaublich dankbar für diese Reise. Meine Zeit im Himalaya war eine so wundervolle Erfahrung. Ich durfte ein neue, ganz andere Welt kennenlernen und jeden Tag das pure Leben sehen, die Einfachheit des Glücklich-Seines spüren und einen Monat ein Teil einer neuen Familie sein. Ich habe noch nie einen so authentischen und friedvollen Ort erlebt. 

- Clarissa K. - Germany

My first rendezvous with the Himalayas all alone... Aug. 2015. I was full of excitement to explore the Himalayas with Fernweh-travels. Reached Gopeshwar on 16th Aug. and was there for a week. The entire experience was one of the best and the most memorable one.

I loved the quiet and serene environment. The trips to the village school and handicraft village were simply fantastic. I had the opportunity to look at the culture and the baskets they made. Then the trek to Tungnath was so beautiful.

The arrangement was very nice with home made food. The view from the house was awesome. Since then I have been visiting this place again and again and each time my experience is different

- Shveta S. - India

We had a wonderful journey trough india and the indian himalaya in which we had the chance to experience a very different country. I have several beautiful memories of our trip, in which we've got to know the lifestyle of the local people in the mountains as well as the wonderful landscape, which was very impressive.

The advantage of a trip with Poonam, our great guide, was that she grew up in india and could show us things we wouldn't have seen in a trip organized by ourselves. (I'm thinking about a real indian wedding for example.)
On our way into the himalaya (by train and jeeps) we also saw other areas of india and the differences, which was interesting too.

All in all we had a really great time & I enjoyed a lot. I'd recommend a trip with Fernweh to everyone who is interested in different cultures & nature

- Thomas F. - Germany