Here in the toolkit section, we have carefully curated collection of resources for you to get the best out of your journey with us pre, post, and during the journey, while respecting people, nature, and culture so that you are fully prepared to get into this experience with your body, heart, soul and mind.
- A pre questionnaire to understand your needs and wants and determine if this journey is a good fit for you and the local community.
- Our list of best practices of Responsible Travel to get the most of the journey while respecting the local people, culture, and environment.
- Tools for helping you to prepare for both the Inner and Outer Journeys.
- A detailed list of reflection questions and exciting challenges for you to do while and during the journey.
- A daily travelogue to reflect your day’s journey & what to expect in your new adventure every day.
- A journal to jot down your daily reflections to take back home.
- Resources for taking inspired actions when you get home & a platform to stay in touch with fellow travelers, guides, and hosts you met during this journey.
- Post journey picture album to get back to the visual’s memories.
Good YOU do While Travelling With Us
- While staying with us at our Himalayan Citrus Garden - Eco-retreat & food forest, you support the underprivileged women of our local community. (9 villages)
- Supporting widows and victims of domestic violence by participating in our various travel experiences. (For example, a group of 10 guests having a meal at our village hostess can sustain her for 3 months)
- Reviving local handicrafts by providing livelihood to the grass-root untouchable handicraft tribes and supporting these artisans by buying their crafts directly.
- Supporting the local youth by staying in the off-grid forest cabins and experiencing adventure sports.
- Resurrecting Himalayan forgotten rituals and celebrations. (For example, our guests are welcomed by the drumming experts from our community, in the world of DJ and Spotify, this art is dying)
- Supporting the drivers from the villages around as we use only local drivers for our trips.
- Supporting the local farmers and small-scale village gardens as food is sourced by our farm and local farmers practicing organic farming.
- Supporting awareness programs of reusing, recycling, and upcycling.
Part of Profit Goes To The Below Projects
- Supporting local schools by providing financial and educational programs for the village children.
- Training women in our community center Lingru in various handmade products, for example, handmade organic soaps, jams, chutneys, candles, juices, etc.
- Regular Himalayan Clean Drives, an initiative aimed to raise awareness about waste management in the region. Teaching locals about waste management and planting trees.